A lot is said about modeling lingerie or body shaper, but is the investment worth it? It's only worth it if you know the real purpose of wanting to wear lingerie and know how to choose it correctly.
This type of lingerie is very good, but many women decide to buy it for “fashion” without choosing and knowing what effect it will have on their lives and bodies. Buying for excitement is the biggest mistake, not just for lingerie, but for everything.
If you've decided that you want to use this belt, I'll leave here tips for you to buy the ideal lingerie for you.
1 - Calmly decide the part of the body you want to model
That's right! Choose a part of the body, it's no use wanting to do everything at once because that's pure illusion. Choose a part and gradually adapt to the purchased product. I spi against putting it on the body and spending a whole day with the product. Start using 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, the next day use only 15 minutes and so on until you make 2 hours a day or if you want to use it in an event that will stay longer. It is not necessary to put on this type of lingerie when you wake up and only take it off at bedtime. This is neither productive nor beneficial to health.
2 – Define the purpose of the product
Think: why should I choose to use this product? What benefit will this bring me in the long, medium and short term? Are there contraindications? Do I have a disease or predisposition that makes it impossible for me to use products that cause this pressure? Will I use it for a post op? Will I use it for aesthetics?
Evaluate each item and see what works best for you, your body and your lifestyle.
3 – Choose the correct size
It's no use wanting to do a miracle and trying to buy a size smaller than yours. This type of modeling lingerie already has a compression, that is, it serves to tighten so it is not smart to buy a size that is not yours.
Choose and evaluate size and compression correctly. Search first!
If you happen to buy a size smaller, you will surely be disappointed that it doesn't close, that it tightens too much, that it doesn't do what it was made to do. Be true to yourself and don't be afraid or ashamed to be who you are.
I'll leave here two models that I found and I think they should be analyzed if there is interest in using modeling lingerie:
It is interesting that this type of lingerie, Plus size shapewearbodysuits, takes the waist and butt, thus helping to maintain an upright posture and also helps not to bake, as it covers part of the thigh. Many people are more comfortable with lingerie this way.
Shapewear |
This other; Shapewear bodysuit takes off the breasts part too and doesn't take the thigh and in the same way helps and assists in posture.
Shapewear 2 |
Did you already know this type of lingerie?
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ExcluirAmei saber que gostou.
Esse tipo de lingerie deixa o corpo muito bonito.
Amei saber que gostou. São lingerie bem bonitas mesmo. E deixa sim o corpo bem marcado.
Essa loja é incrível, tem tantos modeladores fantásticos e que deixam nosso corpo bem valorizado.
Diário da Lady
Amei saber que gostou e as lingerie marcam bem as partes do corpo que escolhemos e ajuda na postura.
Vanessa, eu já tentei usar de tudo, mas sou aquele tipo de pessoa que fica incomodada com alguma coisa me apertando, detesto ter que colocar cinta ou modelador, mas eu reconheço os seus pontos positivos, apenas não topo pagar por eles... rsrsrsrsrs. Muito dicas legais para quem sabe e gosta de utilizá-los.
Varia muito de pessoa para pessoa né, tem gente que curte e outras pessoas não, preferem ficar mais confortáveis, e está tudo bem também :)
Oi Vanessa, esse é um tipo de lingerie que eu já vi, mas nunca experimentei. Não sei se usaria, porque não gosto muito de nada tão em contato com o corpo. Mas as dicas são boas para quem está pensando em usar. Ajudam na hora de escolher.
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